Do You Need a Moment?

The Herb Lover's Garden

Remember time out as a kid or sending your children to “time out.” It was all about taking a moment to stop, get in a better mood…or get an attitude adjustment.
Now as an adult, time out sounds good to me. There are days when it would be nice to stop the chaos that swirls around in a busy cell phone ringing, electronic calendar dinging world.
Defrag my brain, please…
Maybe it’s time to give yourself a moment- an herbal moment with these mini spa ideas.

cindy harp garden

An Off Your Feet Moment
Peppermint Foot Soak (page 119 of the Herb Lover’s Spa Book)
Tub of warm water
Grab a towel, small tub, the peppermint foot soak and a book to read.
Find a quiet spot in the garden or your favorite chair.
Fill the tub with warm water and pour in two tablespoons of peppermint foot soak.
Set feet in…

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